I know there are times when I can be unruly. You have to remember that being natural is new for me again. I haven’t been natural since your birth and then you altered me with chemicals. Give me a moment to bounce back so that I can be the best head full of healthy natural hair.
Yes, there are many products out there. Some of the products I like and others I don’t. When I show signs of disliking them please stop using them immediately. Just because they work for someone else doesn’t mean they will work for me.
Please be patient with me and don’t give up. We have to learn each other all over again. It’s taking some time but I almost there.
Please continue to nourish me with everything natural and please no sulfates or parabens. I need to be co-washed every week and I need coconut oil on my scalp. No Excuses!
Please use a detangler when you comb me out. I know you may not hear my screams but trust me it hurts sometimes. I’m not complaining just making a suggestion.
Of course I hear the mean things people say about me. However, I need for you to remain strong and committed to me. After all, the people who are making those remarks will not be with you for a lifetime like I will. I need for you to defend my honor and to be proud of your texture no matter what.
Also, please be mindful with protective styles because my edges are starting to hurt. Rub some castor oil on my edges to help stimulate the growth and no matter how fierce the micro braids you have me styled in may be after six weeks please take them out.
Remember, no cotton scarves allowed. Only silk or satin for me. I need satin pillow cases as well. See, I’m not asking for a lot, just requesting the basics that are required to keep me happy and healthy.
Well, since the foundation has been established, we can learn the rest along the way. Just like life changes daily so do I. I need for you to understand that everything that you are dealing with in life affects my growth and overall health. So please take care of yourself so that I can be healthy and vivacious.
It’s time for bed. Please seal me with natural oils and don’t forget the silk scarf!
Good night my friend for life.
Simply Rose’s Daughter is a woman of faith, wife, mother and natural hair blogger who is dedicated to helping others. She lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
1 comment :
this article was very informal and educating..My hat goes out to you simply roses daughter! Keep up the good work.
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