Oprah's Afro is Amazing on September 2013 Cover of O Magazine

I was wandering up and down the aisles of one of my neighborhood grocery store trying to remember the things that I needed to buy (because I didn't make a shopping list like I should have) when the cover of the September 2013 issue of O Magazine just about leaped off of the magazine rack and into my hands.

My first thought, "Oprah looks amazing," I might have even said it out loud.

She glows in her form fitting tangerine colored dress, jewel and gold tone accessories, and gold metallic pumps. She completes look with an amazingly large afro wig. Amazing!

So, what makes her look so special? She's not the first African American celebrity to reveal their naturally kinky curly hair. She's part of the trend. Who cares, right?

Well, what sets Oprah apart in this instance and so many others is her willingness to reveal intimate parts of herself to us.

She's styled in a wig on the cover but reveals her beautiful natural hair in a more casual photo inside the magazine and details what she's done to keep her hair healthy over the years.

It is this glimpse of Oprah being Oprah, just as she was born into this world, without anything added, that is the most moving. For me, it's like she's saying to the little girls and young women who have natural curls "I look just like you and if I can move mountains, so can you."

She is a trailblazer, a living legend and just like you and me.

How wonderful, beautiful and inspirational is that!

Chanel Polk

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