How to Do the Big Chop on Your Own Locks

Woman Looking at her Natural HairOne year into the transition from relaxed to natural I got tired of looking for new and creative ways to style my hair.

I grabbed a pair of scissors, found the line of demarcation, or place on my hair where my brittle relaxed hair ended and healthy natural hair began, and got to chopping, literally!

It was quick and easy and I smiled the entire time.

I felt like I was shedding dead weight and opening a new chapter in my life.

If you want to do the big chop on your own hair here’s how:

Tools needed: 

Water, wide tooth comb, sharp scissors, shampoo and conditioner

Step 1:

Dampen your hair with water so that you can easily see the line of demarcation.

Step 2:

Part your hair into four sections. Parts should go from ear to ear and from center of forehead to the back of the neck.

Step 3:

Take small portions of each section between your fingers and carefully cut just below the chemically treated hair.

Step 4:

Shampoo and condition your hair to remove any loose hair.

After the big chop you may want your natural hair shaped and further trimmed into an easy to wear style or you can put your hair in a protective style of braids, twists, coils or Bantu knots.

Chanel Polk

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